This product is partly hand and partly machine made. Due to the fine craftmanship and high standards this knitted durable product has a high and sustainable quality.
ribs dark moss knitted cotton plaid medium
twist sand knitted cotton plaid medium
nouveau light grey knitted cotton plaid medium
ribs choc knitted cotton plaid medium
ribs shark grey knitted cotton throw xlarge
twist white knitted cotton throw large
twist ecru knitted cotton throw xlarge
twist olive green knitted cotton throw xlarge
twist lavender knitted cotton throw xlarge
twist taupe grey knitted cotton throw xlarge
twist grey knitted cotton throw xlarge
liz mint knitted cotton throw large
liz apple green knitted cotton throw large
rice apple green knitted cotton plaid medium
rice ochre knitted woolen throw large
rice light grey knitted woolen throw large
rice ecru knitted woolen throw large
rice ocher knitted woolen throw large
ribs dark moss knitted cotton throw large
twist choc knitted cotton pillowcase medium